Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Turn

Today was a bit of a role reversal. I took a vacation day to Drive our youngest to Madison to get her weekly chemo treatment. It all started when I just wanted a cup of coffee from McD's because there was a drive thru. Can't go there because she will want a Breakfast burrito, and that is an argument that I tried to avoid but had anyway so I didn't stop just in principle.

Can anyone guess how many questions there are in the world that starts with DAD? I didn't keep track but an hour into the drive I stopped at a McD's for coffee and a burrito just to slow down the questions for a bit. Then she decided to read some for her homework. Now I don't know about you but I like to watch the road when I drive, not look at books that are being pushed from the back seat towards my face. After several attempt to stop this behavior, it ended, not because of my power of persuasion but because she was bored and wanted to color.

Two hours after the journey began we pulled into the Hospital and she walked me through all the stops to ensure we did things just the way Mom does them. The staff seemed surprised that I brought her down this time, but we all adapted and moved on. No crazy new news on her health.(applaud)

The ride home was slightly different. It was an argument all the way because I didn't buy her some Funions. 45 minutes of screaming and being yelled, I am darn sure she is not getting Funions for Christmas. But when she finally settled down she told me she just wanted to cuddle with someone and that is why she was up set. So maybe a small bag of Funions for Christmas. So I held her hand for a few miles and that seemed to do the trick. When am I going to learn when she screams out like that it isn't really about the Funions.

Take care all as I need to get back to work for a day and then I get a weekend.

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