Friday, October 12, 2007

A Great Diversion.

I have just returned home after spending a week in the hospital with my daughter. It is amazing that a standard MRI and a meeting with the neurosurgeon will land you in a hospital for 5 days.

We went down there for a followup after the initial surgeries in July. The MRI showed that her shunt was not working so we were admitted. He did surgery and a few days later we were released.
It was a good thing thing that I had the GPS along with us. We actually got time to get away from the hospital thanks to the volunteers. I was able to grab a couple of coordinates and punch them into the GPS and head out for a walk. We got about 3/4 mile from our "Homebase" and found the cache. It was a multi but it didn't really matter as we needed to get out and that was the reward for this cache. Just getting out of the hospital for an hour seems to help the mind and energy level when dealing with a situation like this.

I really think that is what I like about geocaching. It can give you a diversion from issues or your normal everyday life. But yet you can plan trips around some great areas. It can also surprise you with a hidden treasure that you never would have found if you didn't have those coords put into the GPS. In other words you can tailor it to whatever you need it to be at that moment in your life.

1 comment:

Bernie said...

So I followed links, wondering who is this person that will follow through with what I probably would have just left as an idea: Beer Caching.

We had a similar geocaching experience. When my wife had an appointment in Rochester last year, the kids and I went to explore the city a little, and the kids got a little treasure to boot.

See you on the trails.